Course description


MARCH 7-9, 2025

From 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (US central time - Texas)

(Check your time zone here)

Teacher: Annie Roux Bonnefoy

This course will be taught in French with simultaneous English translation



Two children are playing in the ocean. Nothing differentiates them from each other. They are the same age, raised in the same city and environment, and they go to the same school. Both love water and have been playing in it for several hours, when suddenly a big wave crashes down on them and pushes them both underwater. When they get out of the water, one of the children cries, terrorized by what he just experienced. He runs to his mother’s arms. Meanwhile, the other child gets out of the water feeling ecstatic about the sensations the force of the ocean gave him. 

In a fraction of a second, each child developed a belief. The first child is now convinced that the ocean is very dangerous and that he should never get close to it again. The second child believes that the ocean is a fantastic playground and it doesn’t occur to him to be afraid of it.


What happened?

1- Both of them experienced the same situation which they perceived with their senses.

2-   This triggered a feeling, an emotion (fear for one, joy for the other one).

3-   Then they interpreted the event and gave a meaning to what they perceived: one associated it with danger, while the other child associated it with pleasure.

4-   Each child then emerged with a different belief based on the meaning they gave to the event.


Each time we do therapy, we have to work on our beliefs. Otherwise, there is no real change if we don’t acknowledge and work on our beliefs. Beliefs act as a filter between reality and ourselves. When we see through filters, we don’t have a clear view of reality. We then construct a reality that conforms to our filters. Unfortunately, the constructions we have made – whether consciously or unconsciously –no longer serve us.

 Beliefs tend to be the crystallization of our past sufferings which we have continued to repeat to the present day. They end up defining our behaviors, our professions, our relationships, our daily routines. In other words, they greatly limit our capacity to choose.

Are you ready to gain more choice in your life? Are you ready to experience more autonomy, freedom and well-being?

Then this seminar is for you.

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